Daniel Schaupp

Daniel Schaupp

Assistant Professor of Management Accounting

WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management


Daniel Schaupp is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Management Accounting and Control (IMC) at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management. His research interests span contemporary performance management systems, transparency and the impact of digitalization on management accounting. He concentrates on field research using surveys and archival data. He has a passion for quantitative research methods such as SEM, NLP, or QCA.


  • Performance Evaluation Systems
  • Feedback Systems
  • Transparency


  • Dr. rer. pol. in Management Accounting, 2018

    JMU Wurzburg

  • Visiting PhD student, 2017

    University of Melbourne

  • MSc Business Management, 2014

    JMU Wurzburg

  • BSc Business & Management, 2010

    University of Wales Aberystwyth

  • BSc Management & Economics, 2012

    JMU Wurzburg


Field Archival and Experimental Research

Quantitative Research Methods in Stata/R/Python

Teaching Management and Financial Accounting



Assistant Professor

WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management

May 2018 – Present Germany

Responsibilities include:

  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Supervision


Continuous Feedback and Employee Performance

To examine the relation between continuous feedback and employee performance, we conduct a field experiment.


  • +49-(0)261-6509-816
  • Burgplatz 2, Vallendar, 56179
  • Enter Building D and take the stairs to Office D-211 on Floor 2